Learn the basics of plant identification with DC-based herbalist botanist, and forager Holly Poole-Kavana. This class will be taught in two sections: the morning will consist of an indoor presentation of the basic concepts used in field identification (illustrated with close-up photographs) and how to plant ID and plant families enrich the practice of herbalism.
The afternoon will be spent outdoors observing live plants, learning to recognize common plant families, and practicing ID with a key. Participants are encouraged to bring a magnifying glass or loupe and a copy of Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, if available (both will also be available to borrow during class time for those who don’t have them.
This event is rain or shine.
The cost of this class is based on a sliding scale– please decide which ticket type is comfortable for you. For more information and guidelines about sliding scale considerations please visit littleredbirdbotanicals.com/consultation-fees but please note that the fees listed here are for herbal consultations, not for this class! Please choose ticket types based on the guidelines provided.